Cooking Conversion Charts


This is a very handy metric conversion chart useful when preparing recipes, contains fluid measurements, weights and oven temperatures.


cooking cup conversion

Cup Conversion

Convert US Cup Measurements to Grams.

temperature conversion

Oven Conversion

Convert Oven Temperatures Between Celcius, Fahrenheit and Gas Marks.

cooking scale conversion

Weight Conversion

Convert Imperial (pounds and ounces) to Metric (kilos and grams).

Pan Size Equivalents

Pan Size Conversion

Convert US Measures for Pans and Dishes to Metrics as well as Pan Size Equivalents.

baking conversion

Baking Conversion

This is a handy conversion table for the most used baking units and ingredients.

online cooking conversion tools

Online Calculators

Using Online Conversion Tools can make your life easier but remember that not all tools are acurrated.

Length Conversions

Length Conversion

Convert US length to Metrics.

dry goods conversions

Dry Goods Conversion Charts

An example Conversion table with some popular dry goods.

liquid conversion

Liquids Conversion

This is a basic conversion table for the most used Volume Conversions for liquids.

Metric Volume Conversions

Metric Volume Conversion

This is a handy basic conversion table for the most used
US Volume Measure to Metrics.